Saturday, January 19, 2008

Promotional Video from Kyoto University Judo Club

techniques in this video
0:46 ippon-seoi-nage
0:58 osoto-gari
1:03 tomoe-nage
1:14 kata-guruma
1:18 tai-otoshi
1:36 yoko-wakare
1:43 sukui-nage (x2)
1:51 sumi-gaeshi
1:55 o-goshi
1:59 uchi-mata
2:08 morote-gari
2:16 (morote) seoi-nage
2:22 tobi juji-gatame

The name of the song in the soundtrack is Enseika (Kyodai-judobu-enseika). It is new arrangement of the anthem of Kyoto University Judo Club for this promotional video. The original anthem was written in 1953.

Lesson 126: January 19, 2008

warm up, ne-waza warm up

Ne-waza: attack and defense from guard position, passing guard

Tachi Waza:
basic students Ippon Seoi-nage
intermediate students Tai- Otoshi


optional Ne-Waza randori

Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, JoeyT, Dean, Alex, Husein

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lesson 125: January 12, 2008

warm up

North-south combination techniques:
Ippon-seoi-nage --> ko-uchi-gari
O-goshi --> ko-uchi-gari
O-goshi --> o-uchi-gari
Ko-uchi-gari --> seoi-nage

overview of rules of shia

winner stands contest

Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, John, Dean, Alex

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Lesson 124: January 5, 2008

warm up

review Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi, variations and combinations

Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi --> osoto-gari (IPPON-osoto-gari p58-59)
Osoto-gari --> sasae-tsurikomi ashi (IPPON-osoto-gari p50-51)

first uchi komi, then nage komi

Yaku soku geiko drills
* tori attacks osoto-gari
if uki does not resists: tori throws osoto-gari
if uki steps backward evading: tori switches to o-uchi gari
if uki resists by pushing forward: tori switches to sasae-tsurikomi ashi

Tachi waza Randori

Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, JoeyT, Dean, Alex