Saturday, July 28, 2007


English: body drop

basics (right version - ai-yotsu)
start from basic sleeve/lapel grip
  • tori steps with right leg, place right foot just inside and in front of uke's right foot
  • tori spins in a smooth motion on the ball of his right foot, rotating hips 180 degrees, places left foot outside and in front of uke's left foot
  • tori uses both arms to pull uke close, as soon as tori's left foot touches the ground his weight goes on it, and tori's right leg shoots in front of uke
  • tori bend knees, to get below uke's center of gravity.
  • momentum from tori's body dropping unbalances uke completely
  • tori's legs straighten, an both arms are pulling tori over

arm drill
  • start in kneeling position with basic sleeve/lapel grip
  • tori extends right leg, and give s little push to uke's left to get a reaction
  • left arm pulls hard on the sleeve (horizontal), right arm tuck elbow in under uke's armpit and tori's body twists
  • uke is pulled over to this right side
o-uchi-gari into tai-otoshi 1
uki defends to o-uchi-gari by stepping back, this creates space and proper stance for tai-otoshi
  • uki has left grip, and left leg forward
  • tori attacks with ocuchi gari, uki opens up and pushes forward
  • uki lifts left leg and steps backward in defence
  • tori launches tai-otoshi attack when uki left foot touches the mat, making use of uki's resistance and forward push
  • tori now pulls uki forward, tai-otoshi against uki's right forward leg
Video Mike Swain

Lesson 102: July 28, 2007

ne-waza warm up

TAI-OTOSHI: body-drop
basics, uchi komi and nage-komi


Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT

Saturday, July 21, 2007


English: knee wheel

same principle as sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi but
* instead of turning away tori now faces uki, blocks the knee and wheels uki over
* hands make circling motion
* considerable space between uki and tori
* uki does not trip, but is wheeled over the blocking foot at the knee
* attack trailing leg as uki leans forward

1) tori and uki start from basic right kumi-kata (ai-yotsu): right hand lapel, left hand sleeve, right foot forward)
2) tori pulls uki in counter clockwise rotation,
3) tori attacks uki's right leg when it is trailing and about to come forward,
4) attacking leg is straight, tori's hands make whirling motion to wheel uki over

combination ko-uchi-gari to hiza guruma (ashiwaza 2 pg.99)
  • tori attacks with ko-uchi gari,
  • uki steps over
  • switch sides of attack, take big step following uki's stepping backwards leg
  • tori attacks with hiza guruma: lifts attacking leg to knee level, pull uki forward, wheel over
Counter Kuchiki-Daoshi against hiza guruma (ashiwaza 2 pg 101)
  • uki attacks with hiza-guruma
  • tori grabs attacking leg
  • tori drives uki back while lifting leg

Lesson 101: July 21, 2007

warm up

SASAE-TSURIKOMI-ASHI: supporting foot lift-pull throw
o-uchi-gari to sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
o-soto-gari to sasae-tsurikomi-ashi


Nage Komi : favorite throw

Attn: Vincent, JoeyT, John

Saturday, July 14, 2007


English: propping, drawing ankle throw


blocking opponent forward moving foot at ankle level and drawing off balance with the hands.

1) tori and uki start from basic right kumi-kata: right hand lapel, left hand sleeve, right foot forward)
2) uki steps forward with left leg, tori steps backward in sync, and makes way just a bit (uki's right foot is now trailing)
3) tori uses left foot to block at uki's right leg at ankle level. tori twists chest, body firm and bent backwards, chin up, blocking leg is straight, left hand pulls up and around, right hand lifts, very close.

combination o-uchi-gari to Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (ashiwaza pg.44-45)
  1. tori attacks with o-uchi gari
  2. uki steps over
  3. switch sides of attack
  4. tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi
combination o-soto-gari to Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (ashiwaza pg.50)
  1. tori attacks with big o-soto gari making chest contact
  2. uki resists by pushing forward
  3. switch sides of attack
  4. tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi, pull in circular motion, leading with head

Lesson 100: July 14, 2007

warm up

HIZA-GURUMA: knee wheel
SASAE-TSURIKOMI-ASHI: supporting foot lift-pull throw


Nage Komi : favorite throw

Attn: Vincent, Joey, John

July 7, 2007: school closed