Saturday, July 14, 2007


English: propping, drawing ankle throw


blocking opponent forward moving foot at ankle level and drawing off balance with the hands.

1) tori and uki start from basic right kumi-kata: right hand lapel, left hand sleeve, right foot forward)
2) uki steps forward with left leg, tori steps backward in sync, and makes way just a bit (uki's right foot is now trailing)
3) tori uses left foot to block at uki's right leg at ankle level. tori twists chest, body firm and bent backwards, chin up, blocking leg is straight, left hand pulls up and around, right hand lifts, very close.

combination o-uchi-gari to Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (ashiwaza pg.44-45)
  1. tori attacks with o-uchi gari
  2. uki steps over
  3. switch sides of attack
  4. tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi
combination o-soto-gari to Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (ashiwaza pg.50)
  1. tori attacks with big o-soto gari making chest contact
  2. uki resists by pushing forward
  3. switch sides of attack
  4. tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi, pull in circular motion, leading with head

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