Sunday, February 07, 2010

Flexibility program

Adductor/butterfly stretch
  • grab feet, moving knees up down
  • hands behind, hips forward
  • on the back pulling feet to chest
  • adv: raise heels (one on top of another, or on object), hands back, hips forward(both sides)
  • raise hips
core exercise (balance)
  • butterfly
  • pull ankles up towards chest, lean back
  • hold feet, open legs, lean backwards, balance
  • back to butterfly
ilio/gluteal stretch
  • anza position, lean forward, grab legs, pull, head down (both sides)
glute (rotator) stretch
  • standard: 1 leg backwrd, 1 knee forward, foot to inside, load weight lean forward, hands forward, both sides
  • prone variation: sit down, pull one foot on leg, push knee down, pull other knee up
adductor stretch
  • side split as wide as you can
  • lean forward, hands forward
  • sit down, butterfly: grab feet, moving knees up dow
  • push knees down with elbows
  • lay back, get triangle, grab leg, pull knee to nose
  • lay back, fold legs back, touch floor with feet

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Demo: Forbidden judo techniques

Nidan Promotion Demo
  1. Kibisu gaeshi - heel trip reversal
  2. Kuchiki Taoshi - single leg grab
  3. hand assisted’ Ko-uchi-gari
  4. hand assisted’ O-uchi-gari
  5. Kata Ashi Dori - Single Leg hold
  6. Morote-gari - two hand reap
  7. Sukui Nage - scoop throw
  8. Te-guruma - hand wheel
  9. Kata-guruma - shoulder wheel
  10. Kubi Nage.. neck throw
  11. Kawazu gake - entwined hook
  12. Kani basami... flying scissors
  13. Ashi garami... leg entanglement
  14. Do jime... Body choke
  15. Daki Age .. high lift

Music (4-7 minutes of music)
Ramstein - Du Hast (3:54 min)

Banned techniques in historical order
  • 1899 - ban of finger, wrist, knee and ankle locks

2009 (newIJF rules effective 2010) - anti wrestling regulation