Adductor/butterfly stretch
- grab feet, moving knees up down
- hands behind, hips forward
- on the back pulling feet to chest
- adv: raise heels (one on top of another, or on object), hands back, hips forward(both sides)
- raise hips
- butterfly
- pull ankles up towards chest, lean back
- hold feet, open legs, lean backwards, balance
- back to butterfly
- anza position, lean forward, grab legs, pull, head down (both sides)
- standard: 1 leg backwrd, 1 knee forward, foot to inside, load weight lean forward, hands forward, both sides
- prone variation: sit down, pull one foot on leg, push knee down, pull other knee up
- side split as wide as you can
- lean forward, hands forward
- sit down, butterfly: grab feet, moving knees up dow
- push knees down with elbows
- lay back, get triangle, grab leg, pull knee to nose
- lay back, fold legs back, touch floor with feet
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