Saturday, December 29, 2007
Lesson 123: December 29, 2007
review osoto-gari, variations and combinations
Osoto-gari --> sasae-tsurikomi ashi (IPPON-osoto-gari p50-51)
Osoto-gari --> ouchi-gari (IPPON-osoto-gari p48-49)
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi --> osoto-gari (IPPON-osoto-gari p58-59)
Tachi waza Randori
extension: Newaza randori
belt test postponed to January 19 (belt test candidates not ready)
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Bejamin, Dean and Alex
KAESHI WAZA: intermediate program
Osoto-gari --> osoto-gaeshi
Ippon-seoi-nage --> okuri-eri-jime
O-goshi --> o-goshi
O-uchi-gari --> o-uchi-gaeshi
O-uchi-gari --> ippon-seoinage
O-uchi-gari --> hiza-guruma
O-uchi-gari --> tai-otosi
Deashi-barai --> tsubami-gaeshi
Ko-uchi-gari --> hiza-guruma
Ko-uchi-gari --> de-asi-barai
Ko-uchi-gari --> kouchi-gaeshi
Ko-uchi-gari --> sasae-tsurikomiashi
Hiza-guruma --> kuchiki-daoshi
Hiza-guruma --> ouchi-gari
Kosoto-gari --> ippon-seoinage
Kosoto-gari --> ouchi-gari
Harai-goshi --> tani-otoshi
Tai-otoshi --> osoto-gake
RENRAKU WAZA intermediate program
Osoto-gari --> harai-goshi (Attacking judo p53)
Osoto-gari --> sasae-tsurikomi ashi
- book IPPON-osoto-gari p50-51,
- book IPPON AshiWaza p50-51
Osoto-gari --> tai-otoshi (IPPON-osoto-gari p54-55)
Osoto Gari --> Ko-soto-gari
Osoto Gari --> Uchi Mata
Ippon-seoi-nage --> ko-uchi-gari
Ippon-seoi-nage --> osoto-gari
Ippon-seoi-nage --> ippon-seoi-nage
O-goshi --> ko-uchi-gari
O-goshi --> o-uchi-gari
O-goshi --> harai-goshi
O-uchi-gari --> ko-uchi-gari
O-uchi-gari --> osoto-gari
- Yamashita's combination o uchi gari/o soto gari
- book IPPON - osoto-gari p56-57
O-uchi-gari --> tai-otoshi
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi --> osoto-gari
- book IPPON-osoto-gari p58-59
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi --> yoko-shiho-gatame (IPPON AshiWaza p 55)
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi --> kami-shiho-gatame (IPPON AshiWaza p 55)
Deashi-barai --> tai-otoshi
Deashi-barai --> yoko-shiho-gatame
Ko-uchi-gari --> ouchi-gari
Ko-uchi-gari --> seoi-nage
Ko-uchi-gari --> tai-otoshi
Ko-uchi-gari --> hiza-guruma
Ko-uchi-gari --> de-ashi-barai
Ko-uchi-gari --> kesa-gatame
Morote seoi nage --> ko-uchi-gari
Morote seoi nage --> ouchi-gari
Tai-otoshi --> ko-uchi-gari
Tai-otoshi --> o-uchi-gari
Tai-otoshi --> tai-otoshi
Tai-otoshi --> sasae-tsurikomi-ashi (IPPON AshiWaza p 52-53)
Hiza-guruma --> harai-goshi
Hiza-guruma --> sasae-tsurikomi-ashi (IPPON AshiWaza p 46)
Hiza-guruma --> de-ashi-barai
Kosoto-gari --> kosoto-gari
Harai-goshi --> osoto-gari
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Lesson 122: December 15, 2007
moving uchi-komi
introduction to ukemi for new students: Alex
preparation for belt tests
introduction to: ko-uchi gari (from shizen-tai)
o-uchi-gari--> ko-uchi-gari
Nage komi: tokui-waza
belt test: John passes and is promoted to 5th kyu
Attn: Vincent, Joey, John, Alex, Brian
December 14, 2007: Pedro's Judo Black Belt Extravaganza / Holiday Celebration
Group Bow-In and Black Belt Creed
“I will live by the principles of Black Belt: Modesty, Courtesy, Integrity,
Self-Control, Perseverance, and Indomitable Spirit.”
Sensei Pedro’s Introduction
Black belt Demo - Ukemi (Breakfall)
Jr. Competition Team: Ukemi Demonstration
Music - The Way I Are by Timbaland
Partner Demo #1– Robbie Sullivan (Shodan) and Bryanna Sullivan (Sankyu)
Music – Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Black belt Demo - Gatame (Hold Down) Demonstration
Partner Demo #2– Riley McIlwain (Sankyu) & Guido Gallopyn (Shodan)
Music – Now We Are Free Gladiator Theme
Black belt Demo – Shime Waza Demonstration (Choking Techniques)
Partner Demo #3– Chris Round (Shodan) & Aaron Handy (Yodan)
Music – Stronger by Kanye West
Black belt Demo – Kansetsu Waza Armlock Technique Demonstration
Partner Demo #4 – Kevin Chase (Shodan) & Riley Mcilwain (Sankyu)
Music – Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin
Special Demonstration – Aaron Kunihiro (Nidan) & Daniel
McCormick (Nidan) Music – Shining Star – Jonathan Peters
Intermission – Raffle Prizes Announced
Kids Competition Team Demo & National Champion Recognition
Special Awards
Jim Pedro Sr. Award – Outstanding Female Competitor - KD
Jim Pedro Sr. Award - Outstanding Male Competitor - LB
Sr. Elite Competitor of the Year Award - RR
Most Improved Athlete Award - RN
Most Dedicated to Dojo Award - TR
Jigoro Kano Spirit of Judo Award - MR
Volunteer of the Year Award - LK
Student Promotions
Shodan – 1st Degree Black Belt
Kevin Chase
Guido Gallopyn
Chris Round
Robbie Sullivan
Sanyku - 3rd Degree Brown Belt
Riley McIlwain
Bryanna Sullivan
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Lesson 121: December 8, 2007
moving uchi-komi
intoduction to ukemi for new students: Alex
preparation for belt tests: focus on nage-komi
basic students: review o-goshi. osoto-gari and o-uchi gati
intermediate: introduction to kata-guruma
3 variants: classic kata guruma, low kata guruma on the knees, and variant with leg scissored,
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Benjamin, JoeyT, John, Dean, Alex
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Lesson 120: December 1, 2007
roll overs to kami shiho gatami, tate gatame
ne-waza Randori
review o-uchi gari
nage-komi: tokui waza
gave yellow belt test paper to John, and orange belt test paper to Tommy
Attn: Vincent, Benjamin, JoeyT, John, Alex
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Judo belt test days December 2007
* see technical requirements listed on test papers
* test fee payed, bring check to Master Shin
* on on time for test
* wearing correct judogi (no tkd), and correct belt
Test Criteria
* sufficient knowledge of judo theory: know names of judo techniques, Japanese terminology and judo history and principles
* able to demonstrate techniques as outlined on test paper
Awards: Students that pass the test will receive
* a new belt representing their new rank
* a certificate of accomplishment by the Master Shin Martial Arts school
Practical arrangements
* regular class for 30 min
* last 30 min only students that take the test and their partner on the mat
* friends and family are welcome to watch the test proceedings
December 15th: 5th Kyu test
* John
December 29th: 3th and 4th Kyu test
* Tommy and Laurenz
Lesson 119: November 24, 2007
roll overs to kami shiho gatami, tate gatame
review o-uchi gari
counters o-uchi-gaeshi (resembles hiza guruma)
ne-waza Randori
Attn: John, Dean, Brian, Stefanos
Lesson 118: November 17, 2007
single leg take down
double leg take down (morote gari)
major inner reap (o uchi gari)
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Vincent, ...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Lesson 117: November 10, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series
review knee-drill, cross face
basic: review ippon-seoi-nage. nage komi
intermediate: review harai-goshi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT, John, Dean
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Lesson 116: November 3, 2007
basic: review ippon-seoi-nage. nage komi
intermediate: review harai-goshi
Attn: Laurenz, John, JoeyT, Dean
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Lesson 115: October 27, 2007
first time students: ukemi
tokuy-waza nage-komi
review ippon-seoi-nage
introduction o-soto gari
Attn: Benjamin, Dean, Gina
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Lesson 114: October 20, 2007
ne-waza: arm-roll, knee drill, cross-face
knee-drill cross-face match
tokuy-waza uchi komi lines (40 each)
tokuy-waza nage-komi
review tai-otoshi
introduction te-guruma
Attn: Laurez, JoeyT, Benjamin, Dean
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Lesson 113 October 13, 2007
Tommy had accident during warm up
ne-waza: defence from guard, passing guard, and turn over from bottom
ne-waza randori
basic student: review o-goshi
intermediate students: harai-goshi
uchi-komi, nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT, Dean
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Lesson 112: October 6, 2007
ne-waza: kesa gatame: basics plus escapes
ne-waza randori
basic students: review o-goshi
uchi-komi, nage-komi
Attn: Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT, John, Dean, Erin
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lesson 111: September 29, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series, reverse pin series
ne-waza randori
basic student: o-goshi
intermediate students: harai-goshi
uchi-komi, nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, John, JoeyT, Dean
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Lesson 110: September 22, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series, reverse pin series
ne-waza randori
review de-ashi-barai, shadow uchi-komi
in motion: forward, backward, side-ways
counter: de-ashi-barai countered by tsubami gaeshi
Attn: Laurenz, John, Dean
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Lesson 108: September 8, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series, reverse pin series
ne-waza randori
intermediate: de-ashi-barai, basics, in motion
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, JoeyT, John
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Lesson 107: September 1, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series
ne-waza randori
belt test: Joey Tower promoted to 5th kyu
intermediate: tai-otoshi review. nage-komi
combination: o-uchi gari into tai-otoshi
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT and John
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lesson 106: August 25, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series
ne-waza randori
basic: yellow belt test preparation
intermediate: tai-otoshi,
Attn: Laurenz, JoeyT, John
Friday, August 24, 2007
Test Day: September 1, 2007
* see technical requirements listed on test papers yellow belt orange belt
* test fee payed, bring check to Master Shin
* on on time for test
* wearing correct judogi (no tkd), and correct belt
Test Criteria
* sufficient knowledge of judo theory: know names of judo techniques, Japanese terminology and judo history and judo principles
* able to demonstrate techniques as outlined on test paper
Awards: Students that pass the test will receive
* a new belt in line with their new rank
* a certificate of accomplishment by the Master Shin Martial Arts school
Practical arrangements
* regular class for 45 min
* last 15 min only students that take the test and their partner on the mat, others can watch
* friends and family are welcome
Ready for 5th Kyu test
* Joey Tower
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Lesson 105: August 18, 2007
ne-waza: forward pin series
ne-waza randori
basic: yellow belt test preparation
intermediate: orange belt test preparation
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT and John
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Lesson 104: August 11, 2007
forward pin series
ne-waza randori
basic: review o-goshi
intermediate; review TAI-OTOSHI
basics, uchi-komi and nage-komi
combination o-uchi-gari into tai-otoshi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, JoeyT, John
Reverse Pin Series
start: kesa gatame
uki: attempts bridge-turn and roll escape
tori: posts arm
uki: attempts inside turn escape, while removing tori's arm
tori: swithces arm grip, turns body and goes to ushiru-kesa-gatame
uki: attempts outside turn and sits up
tori: posts arm, repositions body to put more pressure upper body, hooks in over uki's neck and goes to yoko-shiho-gatame
uki: inside turn
tori: locks in arm and goes to kami-shiho-gatame
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Lesson 103: August 04, 2007
- forward pin series
- shizen-tai, basic kumi kata, ai-yotsu and kenka-yotsu, kuzushi
- basics o-goshi
- review osoto gari
Saturday, July 28, 2007
basics (right version - ai-yotsu)

- tori steps with right leg, place right foot just inside and in front of uke's right foot
- tori spins in a smooth motion on the ball of his right foot, rotating hips 180 degrees, places left foot outside and in front of uke's left foot
- tori uses both arms to pull uke close, as soon as tori's left foot touches the ground his weight goes on it, and tori's right leg shoots in front of uke
- tori bend knees, to get below uke's center of gravity.
- momentum from tori's body dropping unbalances uke completely
- tori's legs straighten, an both arms are pulling tori over
arm drill
- start in kneeling position with basic sleeve/lapel grip
- tori extends right leg, and give s little push to uke's left to get a reaction
- left arm pulls hard on the sleeve (horizontal), right arm tuck elbow in under uke's armpit and tori's body twists
- uke is pulled over to this right side
o-uchi-gari into tai-otoshi 1
uki defends to o-uchi-gari by stepping back, this creates space and proper stance for tai-otoshi
- uki has left grip, and left leg forward
- tori attacks with ocuchi gari, uki opens up and pushes forward
- uki lifts left leg and steps backward in defence
- tori launches tai-otoshi attack when uki left foot touches the mat, making use of uki's resistance and forward push
- tori now pulls uki forward, tai-otoshi against uki's right forward leg
Lesson 102: July 28, 2007
TAI-OTOSHI: body-drop
basics, uchi komi and nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT
Saturday, July 21, 2007
same principle as sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi but
* instead of turning away tori now faces uki, blocks the knee and wheels uki over
* hands make circling motion
* considerable space between uki and tori
* uki does not trip, but is wheeled over the blocking foot at the knee
* attack trailing leg as uki leans forward
1) tori and uki start from basic right kumi-kata (ai-yotsu): right hand lapel, left hand sleeve, right foot forward)
2) tori pulls uki in counter clockwise rotation,
3) tori attacks uki's right leg when it is trailing and about to come forward,
4) attacking leg is straight, tori's hands make whirling motion to wheel uki over
combination ko-uchi-gari to hiza guruma (ashiwaza 2 pg.99)
- tori attacks with ko-uchi gari,
- uki steps over
- switch sides of attack, take big step following uki's stepping backwards leg
- tori attacks with hiza guruma: lifts attacking leg to knee level, pull uki forward, wheel over
- uki attacks with hiza-guruma
- tori grabs attacking leg
- tori drives uki back while lifting leg
Lesson 101: July 21, 2007
SASAE-TSURIKOMI-ASHI: supporting foot lift-pull throw
o-uchi-gari to sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
o-soto-gari to sasae-tsurikomi-ashi
Nage Komi : favorite throw
Attn: Vincent, JoeyT, John
Saturday, July 14, 2007

1) tori and uki start from basic right kumi-kata: right hand lapel, left hand sleeve, right foot forward)
2) uki steps forward with left leg, tori steps backward in sync, and makes way just a bit (uki's right foot is now trailing)
3) tori uses left foot to block at uki's right leg at ankle level. tori twists chest, body firm and bent backwards, chin up, blocking leg is straight, left hand pulls up and around, right hand lifts, very close.
combination o-uchi-gari to Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (ashiwaza pg.44-45)
- tori attacks with o-uchi gari
- uki steps over
- switch sides of attack
- tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi
- tori attacks with big o-soto gari making chest contact
- uki resists by pushing forward
- switch sides of attack
- tori attacks with Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi, pull in circular motion, leading with head
Lesson 100: July 14, 2007
HIZA-GURUMA: knee wheel
SASAE-TSURIKOMI-ASHI: supporting foot lift-pull throw
Nage Komi : favorite throw
Attn: Vincent, Joey, John
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Lesson 99: June 30, 2007
review o-uchi-gari, counter o-uchi-gaeshi
Attn: Tommy, John, Kanaf
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Lesson 98: June 23, 2007
review o-uchi-gari, counter o-uchi-gaeshi
Attn: Laurenz, Benjamin, JoeyT, John
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Lesson 97: June 16, 2007
Review yellow belt test ne-waza techiques
Kesa gatame and escapes: inside turn, leg scissor, bridge-turn and roll
Yoko Shiho gatame: Leg scisor turn escape
Kami shiho gatame: inside turn escape
Simple guard pass and simple roll from 4 corner position
Belt test: Benjamin Kincaid promoted to 5th kyu
Attn: Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT, John
Friday, June 15, 2007
Test Day: June 16, 2007
* see requirements listed on test papers
* test fee payed, bring check to Master Shin
* on on time for test
* wearing correct judogi (no tkd), and correct belt
Test Criteria
* sufficient knowledge of judo theory: know names of judo techniques, Japanese terminology and judo history and judo principles
* able to demonstrate techniques as outlined on test paper
Awards: Students that pass the test will receive
* a new belt in line with their new rank
* a certificate of accomplishment by the Master Shin Martial Arts school
Practical arrangements
* regular class for 45 min
* last 15 min only students that take the test and their partner on the mat, others can watch
* friends and family are welcome
Ready for 5th Kyu test
* Benjamin
Passed 5th Kyu Test: Bejamin Kincaid
Congratulation to Benjamin with his new rank.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Lesson 96: June 9, 2007
basic: review koshi guruma, osoto-gari, ogoshi, uchi komi and nage komi
intermediate: review Harai Goshi, uchi komi and nage komi.
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT, John
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Lesson 95: June 2, 2007
basic: review koshi guruma, osoto-gari, uchi komi and nage komi
intermediate: review Harai Goshi, uchi komi and nage komi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, JoeyT, John
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Lesson 94: May 26, 2007
basic: basics koshi-guruma, nage-komi
intermediate: basics Harai goshi, nage komi
Attn: Laurenz, Joey, John
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Lesson 93: May 12, 2007
basic: introduction to ukemi and basics osoto-gari, review yellow belt curriculum
intermediate: Harai Goshi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Joey
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Lesson 92: May 05, 2007
basic: introduction to ukemi( and basics osoto-gari
intermediate: Nage-komi, and kuushi ippon seoinage
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, JoeyT, John
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Lesson 91: April 28, 2007
basic: review yellow belt curriculum (osoto-gari, ippon seoi-nage, o-goshi, o-uchi-gari)
intermediate: Nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, Benjamin
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Lesson 90: April 14, 2007
basic: review yellow belt curriculum (osoto-gari, ippon seoi-nage)
intermediate: Nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Lesson 89: April 7, 2007
quick review de-ashi-barai: grip, kusushi, sweep, timing
Attn: Vincent, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Lesson 88: March 31, 2007
- basics: grip, kusushi, sweep, timing
- uki stepping forward
- combination to tai-otoshi
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, JoeyT
Friday, March 23, 2007
Lesson 87: March 24, 2007
moving uchi-komi
quick review of tai-otoshi
- tsurite-uchikomi
- hikite uchi-komi
- basic
nage komi basic tai-otoshi
Attn: Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyT
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Lesson 86: March 17, 2007
quick review of tai-otoshi
- basic
- tsurite-uchikomi
- hikite uchi-komi
breaking uke's grip
- against upper grip
- against under grip
- trailing tai-otoshi
- pulling tai-otoshi
Attn: Laurenz, JoeyT
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Lesson 85: March 10, 2007
review focus technique: tai-otoshi, basics, uchi-komi, nage-komi
combination from o-uchi-gari
Attn: Vincent, JoeyT, Benjamin
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Lesson 84: March 03, 2007
review focus technique: tai-otoshi, basics, uchi-komi, nage-komi
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Feb 17, 2007 Pedro's Challenge
- Guido: served as technical official (score keeper) during the entire day.
- Laurenz: visited as a spectator during the elite devisions.
Tournament results
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Lesson 83: February 10, 2007
focus technique: tai-otoshi, basics, uchi-komi, nage-komi
Attn: Vincent, Benjamin, JoeyT
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Lesson 82: February 3, 2007
nage-komi: ippon-seoi-nage, o goshi, o-uchi-gari, o-soto-gari
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent, Tommy, Benjamin
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Lesson 81: January 27, 2007
moving uchi-komi warm up
review ippon-seoi-nage
Attn: Laurenz, Vincent
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Feb 17, 2007 Pedro's Challenge
Competition schedule
10 am: Juniors 12 and under
12 pm: juniors 13-16
2 pm: seniors & masters
We'll organize a visit to the event.
January 20, 2007: MA State Championships
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin and Mr Kincaid
Lesson 80: January 20, 2007
moving uchi-komi warm up
review o-soto-gari
Attn: Laurenz, Tommy, Benjamin, JoeyY
Saturday, January 13, 2007
| |
actions | |
harai | sweep |
jime | choke |
gatame | hold |
garami | entangled hold |
guruma | wheel |
gake | hook |
gari | reap |
otoshi | drop |
nage | throw |
hane | spring |
Body Parts
body parts | |
ashi | foot, leg |
hiza | knee |
mata | tigh |
koshi | hip |
tai | body |
hara | stomach |
mune | chest |
| side |
ura | back |
Kubi | neck |
kata | shoulder |
waki | armpit |
ude | arm |
hiji | elbow |
te | hand |
yubi | finger |
Judo Techiques
Techniques | |
Ashi-garami | entangled leg lock |
Ashi-guruma | leg wheel |
Ashi-waza | foot and leg techniques |
Deashi-harai | forward foot sweep |
Do-jime | |
Gyaku-juji-jime | reverse cross lock |
Hadaka-jime | naked lock |
Hane-goshi | hip spring |
Hane-makikomi | springing wrap around throw |
Harai-goshi | hip sweep |
Harai-tsurikomi-ashi | lift-pull foot sweep |
Hikkomi-gaeshi | |
Hiza-guruma | knee wheel |
Hon-kesa-gatame | scarf hold |
Kami-shiho-gatame | top four corner hold |
Kansetsu-waza | joint techniques |
Kata-gatame | shoulder hold |
Kata-guruma | shoulder wheel |
Kata-ha-jime | single wing lock |
Kata-juji-jime | half cross lock |
Katame-waza | grappling techniques |
Katate-jime | one hand choke |
Koshi-goruma | hip wheel |
Koshi-waza | hip techniques |
Kosoto-gake | small outer hook |
Kosoto-gari | small outer reap |
Kouchi-gari | small inner reap |
Kuzure-kesa-gatame | scarf hold variation |
Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame | top four corner hold variation |
Ma-sutemi-waza | supine sacrifice techniques |
Nage-waza | throwing techniques |
Nami-juji-jime | normal cross lock |
Obi-otoshi | belt drop |
O-goshi | large hip throw |
O-guruma | large wheel |
Okuri-ashi-harai | sliding foot sweep |
Okuri-eri-jime | sliding collar lock |
Osae-komi-waza | hold-down techniques |
Osoto-gari | large outer reap |
Osoto-guruma | large outer wheel |
Osoto-otoshi | |
Ouchi-gari | large inner reap |
Ryote-jime | two hand choke |
Sankaku-jime | triangular choke |
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi | supportin foot lift pull throw |
Seoi-nage | shoulder throw |
Seoi-otoshi | |
Shime-waza | strangeling techniques |
Sode-goruma-jime | sleeve wheel choke |
Soto-makikomi | outer wrap around throw |
Sukui-nage | scooping throw |
Sumi-gaeshi | corner throw |
Sumi-otoshi | corner drop |
Sutemi-waza | sacrifice techniques |
Tachi-waza | standing techniques |
Tai-otoshi | body drop |
Tani-otoshi | valey drop |
Tate-shiho-gatame | straight locking four corner hold |
Tawara-gaeshi | |
Te-waza | hand techniques |
Tomoe-nage | circular throw |
Tsukkomi-jime | thrust choke |
Tsuri-goshi | lifting hip throw |
Tsurikomi-goshi | lift-pull hip throw |
Uchi-makikomi | |
Uchi-mata | inner thigh reaping throw |
Ude-garami | entangled arm lock |
Ude-gatami | arm lock |
Ude-hishigi-ashi-gatame | leg armlock |
Ude-hishigi-hara-gatame | stomach armlock |
Ude-hishigi-hiza-gatame | knee armlock |
Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame | cross armlock |
Ude-hishigi-sankaku-gatame | triangular armlock |
Ude-hishigi-te-gatame | hand armlock |
Ude-hishigi-ude-gatame | arm armlock |
Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame | armpit armlock |
Uki-goshi | floating hip throw |
Uki-otoshi | |
Uki-waza | floating throw |
Ura-nage | back throw |
Ushiro-goshi | back hip throw |
Utsuri-goshi | hip shift |
Yama-arashi | |
Yoko-gake | side body drop |
Yoko-guruma | side wheel |
Yoko-otosi | side drop |
Yoko-shiho-gatame | side locking four corner hold |
Yoko-sutemi-waza | side sacrifice techniques |
Yoko-wakare | side separation |